Heatric’s compact printed circuit heat exchangers are proven technology for demanding heat exchange duties, primarily in the Oil and Gas, Power Generation and Chemical Processing sectors. A unique combination of compactness and versatility with unmatched capacity make them ideal for physically, chemically and thermodynamically demanding applications. With sales offices in Poole, Houston, Rio, Singapore and Sydney as well as its network of agents across all other areas of the world, Heatric provides a global and bespoke service to its customers and partners.
Featured Work
Heatric has a working relationship with members of Coast going back 10 years working on all areas of its communications plans including marketing, and internal communications projects – corporate brochures, sales brochures, marketing leaflets, advertising, and exhibitions. Currently celebrating 25 years Heatric asked Coast to work on new campaigns to drive this message home during 2015. With Heatric’s ongoing plan of exhibitions around the world Coast is working on the design and planning of these stands and is also helping with event management, internal safety campaigns and signage.